Hosting a screening at your college, high school, church or organization is a great way to stir rich discussions about social media and the balance of life and technology.

It starts with a simple, unpretentious concept, and the result is a nuanced and judgment-free look at how life works for kids in the digital age.
— The Verge

Plan your screening



As a culture, we love movies. And while some documentaries are beat-you-over-the-head soap boxes on a given topic, Social Animals was intentionally crafted as an even-handed discussion catalyst that also does what movies are supposed to do–entertain.

Our community screening package includes:

  • Public Screening License - DVD/Bluray or Streaming

  • Digital Marketing Tool Kit



Spending three years making a movie about teenagers and social media, the filmmakers learned a few things. For special events, screening organizers can invite the filmmakers to come share some of these insights to their group, adding another layer of engagement to the event.

In-Person Filmmaker Presentation includes:

  • Introduction of the film

  • 15min presentation after the film

  • 30min Q&A with the audience

The sold-out crowd of students, faculty, staff, and people from the community was just as eager to discuss the issues and concerns unveiled by Social Animals during the Q&A session as they were to see the film itself. This documentary is ideal for prompting public dialogue on the complex issues surrounding the digital native.
— Dr. Joseph Steineger, Professor of Philosophy, Lindenwood University

group discussion guide

Kutter Callaway, Assistant Professor of Culture and Theology at Fuller Seminary, put together this thoughtful Social Animals discussion guide.

Download it here and stir a rich discussion with your group about the film and about the role of social media in our lives.